Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers is an Association of
Peace, Justice and Environmental Organizations
JOIN - If your organization would like to join Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers, or you would like further information about joining, send email to MAPmn.info@gmail.com or call Cathy Manning, 952-938-7627.
Our History
The Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers was conceived in 1995 by members of the United Nations Association of Minnesota. They, along with members of many of the organizations now its charter members, worked together to develop the purpose, goals, structure and modus operandi for the organization.
As of October, 2018, 60 Minnesota peace organizations are members of the Alliance. The membership base of the Alliance thus represents many thousands of concerned citizens who seek to make our world a better place in which to live.
The Alliance's vision is global and is informed by a set of core beliefs that are set out in its Guiding Principles.
The formation of the Alliance and an outline of its goals were introduced to the general public as part of a stirring program at the University of Minnesota Ted Mann Concert Hall in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations on October 22, 1995.
The Alliance has become a major sponsor of the annual Peace Prize Festival, to celebrate Nobel Peace Prize winners in cooperation with the Peace Prize Forum of the Norwegian Lutheran Colleges of the Upper Midwest and the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Oslo, Norway. The Festival emphasizes the participation of children from Minnesota Peace Site schools who present the results of their study of the lives of different Nobel Laureates and have the opportunity to meet the current laureate.
What We Do
Each year the Alliance holds its annual meeting and celebration of peace, open to the individual members and guests of all our member organizations. Ongoing Alliance activities are developed from the collective interests of the Alliance's Council representing its organizational members.
The Alliance recognizes that each member organization will have unique responsibilities and mission emphases and does not seek to limit any of them. We do feel, however, that in many initiatives, we can obtain greater visibility and achieve far more by joining together to work on common goals.
Responsibilities of Member Organizations
Responsibilities entailed by becoming a member of the Alliance are as follows:
JOIN - If your organization would like to join Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers, or you would like further information about joining, send email to info@mapm.org, or call Cathy Manning, 952-938-7627.